Morning Mastery – eBook
- $4.95
- If your morning doesn’t go the right way, no matter what happens through the rest of your day it’llremain a bad day because of the way it started. It’s an inevitable chain reaction that you can prevent if you simply pay more attention to how your morning goes. The first step is waking up in a better spirit. The easiest…
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Motivation Mojo – eBook
- $4.95
- Motivation meltdown is the feeling where you feel that you don’t want to do work. All you want to do is to do NOTHING. You felt demotivated, burnout, lazy, anxious, and all sorts of negative feeling. You see NO hope, you don’t know what is the next stage to look forward to, you didn’t bother setting any more new goals, nothing…
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Motivation Power – eBook
- $4.95
- To get your motivation levels up as high as possible you need to set goals. If you get this wrong then it will probably be very tough to find the motivation that you need to accomplish your goals. To help you develop your motivation you need to fully understand it. Your motivation can come from within or it can be…
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Niche Maketing Secrets – eBook
- $4.95
- A lot of online entrepreneurs think that once they’ve discovered a niche, they just need to build a website or a business. But you have to build a brand. This is what people will gravitate to. Your brand is a set of values that your community and a targeted audience would associate with your business.
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Online Business Blueprint 2024
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- Are you still struggling to make money online? Unlock financial freedom in 2024 by using this 20-year veteran’s blueprint! Empower yourself with actionable strategies, insider insights, and proven methods to navigate the dynamic online landscape and secure a sustainable full-time income in 2024!
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Online Viral Marketing Secrets – eBook
- $4.95
- Online digital marketing has numerous advantages for your business. Not only is it a cost-effective way to increase awareness about your brand, but the information you post on the Internet travels fast and has no geographical boundaries. Learning about the effectively utilize the most popular social media platforms is the first step to driving more traffic to your site and…
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Organic Beauty – eBook
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- Organic products are those that are derived from wholly natural ingredients, and that have gone through minimal changes before reaching your face. In this book, you’ll learn more about what it means to chase after “organic beauty” and how it can change the way you think about your appearance and your grooming.
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Overcome Anxiety – eBook
- $4.95
- Are you constantly worried, afraid, or nervous? Do you find that you have trouble falling or staying asleep? Do you often wonder why you can’t stop worrying and why you’re always so fearful? If these kinds of thoughts are keeping you up at night, you could be suffering from an anxiety disorder. This guide will show you how to finally stop the…
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Overcome Imposter Syndrome – eBook
- $4.95
- When you have imposter syndrome, you can’t recognize it until you learn all of the symptoms. If you feel constantly inadequate at work and in your relationships, then you likely have this negative cycle occuring in your life. Many people feel self-doubt, but it becomes imposter syndrome when it never goes away. Learning to manage this condition can be very…
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Overcome Obstacles – eBook
- $4.95
- Psychology tells us that overcoming any obstacle is mostly in our minds. What this means is that we have to get the right mindset and motivations about the obstacle. Overcoming obstacles begins with having the correct mindset, motives, and action plan for the obstacle. Without these three things, it is impossible to know what the obstacle is, let alone overcome…
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Overcome Phone Addiction – eBook
- $4.95
- 60% of U.S. college students believe they have a cell phone addiction. About 71% of people sleep with their phones nearby. Plus, 35% of people wake up thinking about their phones- only 10% of people think of their significant others first. Many people feel as though they can not stay away from their phones for too long. It is important…
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Overcoming Anxiety – eBook
- $4.95
- Are you ready to stop struggling and start living? Whether you want to be more successful in your relationships, or you just want to be a happier person, or you would like to be more effective in your career. It’s about time for you to overcome anxiety! Over the past few decades, anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications are among the top…
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Peaceful Chaos – eBook
- $4.95
- Even if you know you will experience change and transformation in your life, you might not feel prepared for the chaos that often comes with those changes. Since growth is born of chaos, there is a need to find a state of peace and calm while you move through stages of life. When you perceive that your life is chaotic…
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Peak Productivity Blueprint – eBook
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- This is the ultimate guide to help you triple your productivity, maximize your work output and get results fast. Productivity is the key ingredient to success. You’ll be able to get more things done in less time. The best part is, you will have more time and freedom for things that matter most. You'll feel less stressed and less overwhelmed, knowing that…
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Personal Branding Blueprint – eBook
- $4.95
- If your digital presence is chaotic, your audience will be confused about your product and what you stand for. To prevent this, you need to have a cohesive, streamlined and high quality social media presence. To stand out you need to understand your target audience. The Personal Branding Blueprint is the one-stop shop for everything you will need to know to…
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Phoenix Rising – eBook
- $4.95
- It is possible for all of us to rise from the ashes! It's about time for you to learn how to pull yourself up by your bootstraps to succeed! There is a way for us to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and reclaim that lost motivation. The only true variety of failures comes from not actually trying in the first…
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Plant Based Eating – eBook
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- Whether you want to save the animals, become healthier or simply feel better, the plant-based nutrition is a great option for those of us who want to be a better and healthier person. Choosing a plant-based nutrition doesn’t have to be a complex commitment. In this book, you will learn about plant-based nutrition, the research about it and how you…
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Power of Execution – eBook
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- Discover effective strategies on how to executing your goals and realize all your dreams easily. I'll personally show you simple ways to build a strategy for achieving your goals and putting it in action, while avoiding the dangers of procrastination and unproductive actions.
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Power of Self Reflection – eBook
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- A life-changing blueprint reveals the secret to making meaningful changes in life. Discover how to uncover your strengths and weaknesses and use them to your advantage. Do you want to let go of your painful past? Do you desire to discover who you are and find out your strengths and weaknesses? Do you wish that you had the guts to…
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Power of Visualization – eBook
- $4.95
- Visualization is the key to creating the life of your dreams that is full of happiness and accomplishment. Visualization’ is the ultimate guide for those who want to use the unique power of their imagination to change the course of their life and design their future. Most importantly, this blueprint will help you overcome the common obstacles to successful visualization…
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Practical Mentalism – eBook
- $4.95
- People are born free because they have tremendous power over their reality. But when you look at the way most people live their lives, it’s as if they are slaves. They have all these imaginary lines that they have drawn for themselves. We try to be the kind of people our parents expect us to be. We try to live our…
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Productive Powerhouse – eBook
- $4.95
- Anyone who is sick and tired of not achieving their goals... How to become a Productive Powerhouse and smash all your life's goals faster! Discover how to use productivity to master your life. Would you like to explore your results in any area of your life? What if YOU, without any experience or expertise could use productivity the RIGHT way…
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Productivity for Procrastinators – eBook
- $4.95
- Productivity is often a misunderstood concept. Most people believe that in order to be productive, they have to work harder and longer. However, productivity isn't about accomplishing more, but instead about investing your time and attention in a more strategic way to add value to your life, relationships, and career. The only way you’re going to change and improve your…
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